our story

These crazy kids met in 1987 as they were both working as cooks in downtown Corpus Christi, Texas. Both were still in high school and soon became sweethearts. Upon graduating high school, they eloped and ran off to make a life together. Kids and dogs came soon, and then left to make lives of their own. James and Tina are still together, running off to make new lives together over and over again.


James began his interest in electronics soon after he was able to talk. After tearing apart radios, TVs and microwave ovens he turned to computers as they became the new thing in the early 80's. This has lead to a long career in IT as a software engineer and architect as well as consulting contractor for small business and corporate. His love for music and photography give them lots of reason and opportunity for travel.


Tina began her whirlwind life in the corporate world of oil and gas, working for some of the world's largest companies managing data and various projects. She soon transitioned to marketing and consulting while at the same time working tirelessly organizing women's events and retreats. She has expanded her retreats to the UK and other international locations. Her love for exploring and planning trips keeps them on the move.